
Franklin devises bespoke service for African countries interested in renegotiating their government debt

The law firm Franklin and sovereign debt consultancy firm FINEXEM Emerging Market Solutions have teamed up to devise a bespoke service for African countries interested in the Paris Club’s ongoing efforts to facilitate their participation in the G20’s moratorium on bilateral government debt repayments from May 1 to December 31, 2020, and subsequently, to negotiate a more substantial debt relief agreement with some of their official and private creditors.

Franklin’s Stéphan Alamowitch and Michel Sapin, advising on legal aspects, and FINEXEM’s Andrew Roche and Olivier Nour Noël, advising on economic, budget and financial aspects, have teamed up to leverage their recent experience of handling public and private debt restructurings and buybacks, especially in West and Central Africa, in order to offer eligible countries bespoke, cutting-edge strategic expertise throughout the process and without any conflict of interest.