Arbitrage 1


Our team combines deep legal expertise with commercial pragmatism to deliver tailored strategies that align with our clients’ business objectives.

We handle arbitrations under major institutional rules, such as ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL, and FAI, as well as ad hoc proceedings, offering a comprehensive approach to international and domestic disputes. From drafting arbitration clauses to post-award enforcement and challenges, our lawyers support clients at every stage of the arbitration process.

With a team fluent in multiple languages and trained in diverse jurisdictions, Franklin is uniquely equipped to navigate the nuances of cross-border disputes.

Our practice is also recognized for its innovative approach, including the use of third-party funding to manage litigation risks, and its focus on settlement opportunities to achieve the best possible outcomes.

    • WWL – Arbitration 2023

    Peers and clients say: “Céline is a strong advocate who is straight to the point

    She thinks outside the box

    She is a very astute lawyer

    Céline focuses on every detail, enven in very complex cases involving multiple respondents

    She possesses extraordinary knowledge of arbitration in France and first-class English in all legal applications