Private Equity

Private Equity

Ci occupiamo di tutti gli aspetti delle operazioni di private equity (compresa la loro strutturazione legale e fiscale e il finanziamento) sia di società quotate che di società non quotate, e di tutti i tipi di operazioni, sia di acquisto che di vendita, con o senza leva finanziaria, e durante tutto il ciclo dell’investimento. Assistiamo fondi d’investimento francesi ed esteri, gruppi industriali venditori o target, azionisti o manager, in collaborazione con il nostro team Finanziamento.

  • Fondi di investimento
  • Aviamento
  • Raccolta fondi
  • Pacchetti di gestione ed emissione di titoli
  • Debito mezzanino e debito senior
  • Leaders League 2024: The team is ranked in the “Mid-cap LBO transactions ” (Excellent) category of the Private Equity Guide
  • Leaders League 2024: The team is ranked in the LBO tax category (Excellent) of the Financial and tax strategies Guide
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2024: Franklin is ranked in Private Equity: LBO
    ‘The team is solid and competent. Fast and clear.’
    ‘Very agile team and very focused on the specific issues of its clients, beyond the deal itself. Real relationship-building approach with a desire to help.’
    ‘Multi-disciplinary, committed, reliable, responsive and of good quality for intermediate-sized M&A files or legal due diligence. Quality service provided.’
    ‘Lionel Lesur – good perspective, ability to find solutions to problems, does not hesitate to give an opinion.’
    ‘Laura-Isabelle Danet – responsive, hardworking, systematic, does not forget anything, reliable, rigorous.’
  • IFLR 1000 2024 – Private Equity (Tier Five)
  • Option Droit & Affaires 2024: Yam Atallah is quoted in the category Equity development and LBOs, the majority of which involve companies with less than €50 million in assets (3 stars)