Societario & Fusioni-Acquisizioni
- Il team Corporate / M&A ha una vasta esperienza in acquisizioni, cessioni, joint venture e ristrutturazioni in operazioni strategiche nazionali e transnazionali.
I nostri clienti, industriali e fondi d’investimento francesi e stranieri, sono attivi nei principali settori economici. Li assistiamo dalla progettazione legale e fiscale delle loro operazioni strategiche fino alla loro realizzazione (compresi gli aspetti post-acquisizione). Siamo regolarmente coinvolti in complesse transazioni transnazionali e/o multigiurisdizionali. Innanzitutto, ci consideriamo “facilitatori” esperti, aperti e pragmatici: molto attenti alle esigenze dei nostri clienti, con il supporto delle altre aree di attività dello studio, sviluppiamo con loro soluzioni su misura e contribuiamo a garantire il successo delle loro operazioni.
- Fusioni, acquisizioni
- Diritto borsistico (offerte pubbliche di acquisto, offerte pubbliche di scambio, prezzi garantiti, ecc.)
- Diritto societario generale ed emissione di titoli
- Governance aziendale
- Restructuring

- Chambers France 2025 : Corporate/M&A: Mid-Market
What the Team is Known For
Franklin houses a strong team able to advise clients on mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures. The team possesses expertise in handling domestic and cross-border LBO transactions. Its clients hail from the healthcare, technology, financial services and real estate sectors.
“Franklin has a broad set of skills.”
“The team showed good technical knowledge across a wide range of fields, a sound commercial approach and a strong ability to create and build relationships.”
Work Highlights
Franklin advised TKH Group on the disposal of all the shares in TKH France to a holding company controlled by Argos Wityu.
Notable practitioners
Yam Atallah is a key contact for clients. - Leaders League – Gold award « Mergers & acquisitions – Mid to large » – 2025
- Leaders League 2024: The team is ranked in the “Transactions between €75m and €500m” (Leading) categorie of the M&A Guide
- Option Droit & Affaires 2024: The team is quoted among the leading firms for M&A deals under 200 million euros ranking (4 stars)
- Legal 500 EMEA 2024: The team is quoted in the category Mergers & Acquisitions
‘Super competent, brilliant team, very attentive, fully supportive. ’
‘They are very pro-active and available. ’
‘Responsive and deal makers.’
‘The team is solid and competent. Fast and clear.’
‘Very agile team and very focused on the specific issues of its clients, beyond the deal itself. Real relationship-building approach with a desire to help.’
‘Multi-disciplinary, committed, reliable, responsive and of good quality for intermediate-sized M&A files or legal due diligence. Quality service provided.’ - Leaders League – Silver award « Mergers & acquisitions – Mid to large » – 2024
Franklin has advised the Milan-based industrial holding company Groupack, which is acquiring the entire share capital of (...)
Article by Laura Isabelle Danet, Of Counsel, from our department Corporate – M&A published in Option finance (...)
Congratulations to our teams distinguished in 12 expertises of the Legal 500 EMEA 2024 ranking and thanks (...)
Franklin advised the Perseus hotel group on the sale to Biografy of the four-star ‘Le Pigalle’ hotel, (...)