
Find out all the latest news about the law and our firm.

The Corporate Finance – M&A team received the Award Deal of the Year, “Mergers-Acquisitions : Large to (...)

The Private Equity team received a Specific Mention – LBO : Upper-Mid & Large-Cap – Décideurs – (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Kai Völpel, Virginie Brault-Scaillet, Djésia Meziani, Claire Fougea et Jérôme Michel, Le Monde (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Magali Masson et Laurent Halimi, Le Monde du droit March 3rd, 2015, Law (...)

The French Competition Authority cleared Numericable Group’s (Altice’s subsidiary) takeover of Omer Telecom Limited (who operates the (...)

Happy ending to a deal which will go down in the history of the French telecoms sector (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Christian Sauer and Magali Masson, Law in France May 20, 2014, May (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Magali Masson and Christian Sauer, Law in France April 14, 2014, Le Monde (...)

On Saturday April 5, Vivendi announced that it had chosen the Altice/Numericable bid for the acquisition of (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Les Echos April 4, 2014, The American Lawyer April 7, 2014, Le Monde (...)

Vivendi has entered into exclusive negotiations with Altice-Numericable for three weeks over Altice-Numericable’s €14 billion bid for (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Jérôme Michel, Céline Maironi-Persin, Jessica Dillon, Djésia Méziani et Kai Völpel, Law in (...)

The Altice group, the largest shareholder of Numericable Group, has announced the signing of an agreement with (...)

The Altice group has signed an agreement to acquire Tricom and Global Interlink (Tricom) from Hispaniola Telecom (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Magali Masson and Christian Sauer, Law in France December 3, 2013, Le Monde (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Magali Masson and Christian Sauer, Law in France 29th November, 2013, Le Monde (...)

Iliad and Free applied to the Commercial Court of Nanterre for an emergency injunction against Numericable Group (...)

The IPO of Numericable Group opened on October 28 and closed on November 12, 2013. It consisted (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque, Kai Völpel et Laurent Halimi, Law in France du 10 septembre 2013, Lyon (...)

Public law – Legal Brief– April2013 Independent regulatory agencies’ sanction procedures Since the preliminary ruling on constitutionality (...)

Articles quoting Alexandre Marque and Christian Sauer, Capital Finance March 18, 2013, Law in France March 18, (...)

Article citant Franklin, Lettre A du 9 novembre 2012


Environmental Legal Brief – February 2012 Case law Court decisions handed down in the past few months (...)

Public Law – Legal Brief – February 2012 Constitutional Law By ruling dated December 2, 2011, the (...)

Article citant Yam Atallah et Alexandre Marque, Law in France du 24 janvier 2012


Franklin has bolstered its position in the energy sector by assisting key players in forming major business (...)

Public Law – Legal Brief – April 2011 Damages for late performance in public contracts Public contracts (...)

Corporate Finance – Newsletter – February 2011   EDITORIAL From time to time Franklin issues corporate law (...)

The Franklin law firm celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Grand Palais. For the occasion, the firm (...)

Article quoting Franklin, Law in France, November 19, 2010


India Practice – Newsletter n° 1 – March 2007 EDITOR’S NOTE Bridging Gaps It is my pleasure (...)